Adrian Lazzi Founder, CEO
My name is Adrian Lazzi, and I started Puriphico in 2018 with the goal of helping communities combat one of the most long-standing issues to date: improper handwashing. Since then, Puriphico's team has grown, we have a patent pending on our propriety handwashing-detection system, and we have started testing in hospitals!

Charlie Brunold Director of Technology
My name is Charlie Brunold. I initially picked up an interest for the computers after building them with my dad; however, I really developed a passion for computer science after taking my first course in 2018 where I learned javascript at a coding camp. At Puriphico, I lead the development of hand-identification algorithms using Python integration and web development. I look forward to implementing our software onto new boards such as the Raspberry Pi and can’t wait to help expand our products to have numerous new features to help users maintain proper handwashing practices!

Roy Otamura Chief Engineer
Puriphico .4
Puriphico .4, based on the prior .3 version, incorporates the same features within a much more sophisticated design. The light cues, however, travel around the circumference of the case when illuminated, unlike the flashing diodes of the prior version.
My name is Roy Otamura! I’ve got a passion for engineering, and I love to build things. At Puriphico, I work hands on to create our physical design, allowing our software and components to work as effectively and seamlessly as possible. I make sure our builds are high quality, and I am constantly looking to improve our designs. I can’t wait to see what we do in the future at Puriphico!

Puriphico .4
Puriphico .4, based on the prior .3 version, incorporates the same features within a much more sophisticated design. The light cues, however, travel around the circumference of the case when illuminated, unlike the flashing diodes of the prior version.
Puriphico .4
Puriphico .4, based on the prior .3 version, incorporates the same features within a much more sophisticated design. The light cues, however, travel around the circumference of the case when illuminated, unlike the flashing diodes of the prior version.
Puriphico .4
Puriphico .4, based on the prior .3 version, incorporates the same features within a much more sophisticated design. The light cues, however, travel around the circumference of the case when illuminated, unlike the flashing diodes of the prior version.
At Puriphico, we develop technology to improve compliance with proper handwashing practices.
What We Do
Our Product
Features LED's that indicate real-time how long you have been washing your hands.
Lets you know after you have washed your hands for 20 seconds through a green LED cue.
Tracks the most relevant handwashing data (such as the percentage of users that washed their hands for 20 seconds), which you can access via a mobile app.

Appropriate hand hygiene prevents up to 50% of avoidable infections acquired during health care delivery.
- World Health Organization
The Problem
Levels of hand hygiene compliance for high-income countries
rarely exceed 70%.
- World Health Organization

In 8th grade, Adrian built the first Puriphico prototype, engineering an electronic system to allow people to maintain proper handwashing practices with the help of an LCD display and visual LED cues.
Now three years into the journey, we have developed a highly-accurate handwashing-detection system that is patent pending.
Our current prototype (pictured left) features Bluetooth connectivity and a sensor calibration system. Soon, we will have prototypes capable of sending handwash-compliance data periodically to our partners' respective infection-prevention teams. To join our quest for cleaner hands around the world, visit the Products page, where you can submit a quick form to apply for a partnership with Puriphico!